The Gambler

US Cornhole's newest addition to their bag line-up. "The Gambler". If you are tired of all the hype these days when it comes to cornhole bags and all their promises. Or how they can turn an average player into an ESPN Pro overnight. Oh and let's not forget how they will help you throw a flatter bag, or a better airmail. The far fetched claims are endless nowadays. Now if you are looking for one of the most comfortable feeling bags to ever lay your hands on. Look no further. This just may be your bag. The materials chosen for The Gambler have been hand picked with overall comfort and feel as the top priority first. Second was for it to have a nice middle of the road slide to it. So if you are willing to put the time into improving your game. There is a good chance the Gambler will help you run the boards to end up in the finals and championship matches across the country.