The Natural
Introducing US Cornholes #1 Bag and best selling bag to date. The Natural is one of the most comfortable feeling and versatile bags on the market. With it's slower side which some would call carpet material and a faster side with it's unique weave fabric. This bag feels good from the get go! And as it breaks in some, the feel and performance only gets better. Many people are comparing this bag to the MagicV bag which gained it's popularity from being the most comfortable and versatile bag on the market. The Natural has been slightly tweeked to give it a ever so slightly fuller feeling than the MagicV. The Natural will hold it's own against any bag for a long time to come. Some are saying they even like it more than the V bag because of the fuller feel. Keep visiting US Cornholes YouTube page to see some videos of how this bag performs in the very near future. The next generation is now!